Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Matt Griffin - Shawabties

Shawabties are models of people that were laborers in the middle age. The people that the Shawabties modeled were like slaves. The people showed up to work when they were needed and or called upon. Shawabties were craft figurines meant to show what these types of people did. The craft shown in this picture is a person wrapped in some sort or material, lying down in a coffen. Some people would refer to these Egyptian slaves as "Mummies," these "mummies did most of their labor in ancient Egypt working on pyramids for the Egyptian empire. This must have been a hard way to live for this group of people. It sounds like they were slaves, they slept in coftens wrapped in some sort of material, they were called upon to do the labor that the Egyptian empire would not do themselves, and I'm sure they were treated very poorly throughout all of this. Maybe they were prisoners or people who committed a crime? Maybe they were the lower class man who were born into slavery. If that was the case, being born into slavery, I do not think that is very fair.

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