Monday, January 6, 2014

Kaitlyn spinella

Plus de Vin by Carlos Reis is an artifact that was also known as The Empty Flagon. This painting was made to show a end to a party in a village. The painting is Reis's best painting and his biggest. It's the way everything is captured into one painting and the way he shows everything. Reis used oil on a canvas when he made this artifact and he must of used different oils to convey different shades. Reis influence for art it's self was king D. Carlos. The reason I chose this artifact was because of all the bottles in the picture. I wanted to know why he used/wanted all the bottles in his painting. I asked my self what could he possible be trying to show in in this painting using so many bottles. I picked the picture and I found out he was showing a party in a village and I said to my self that makes more since why he chose the bottle because at a party you are celebrating you drink you party. It was cool to find out how he conveyed so much into something as simple as bottles. I liked how it was really hard to figure out what the picture was trying to convey just by looking at it, I would have never chose this painting if I new right from the start what the artist was trying to say. 

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