Monday, January 6, 2014

Courtney Keery

This picture was made by Joeseph Mallord William Turner in 1899 called "Slave Ship". The art captured in this beautiful and tragic painting looks like a "dark and stormy night" with the waves crazed and the sun almost completely gone. In the bottom right, there is a human foot coming out of the water and to the left there are many other limbs coming out as well. It looks like the fish in the ocean are eating the human body parts. The picture is indicating slaves of the 1800's.  On a slave ship one night, the captain started throwing sick and dying slaves off the ship in order to collect insurance money that he could not collect or earn himself. When I look at this picture, I see a lot of different colors indicating a dreary, yet beautiful picture. I really love how the whole picture is dark and then there's one tiny part of the sun shining out off the back of the painting. This piece of artwork is really quite incredible, I think, because the painter brings out the tragedy in a beautiful way. He shows the drama with the limbs in the water while bringing out a true piece of artwork

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