Monday, January 6, 2014

Courtney Keery

This shrine was made by Anna Mitchell Richards and Martha Silsbee Fund in 1937. This sculpture is also a shrine probably made for the upper class. It's made of charcoal limestone and is in the shape of a house. I picked this piece because I've never seen a shrine that looked like this one I've only seen one that had a post kind of like a back board or a wall post. It's not shown in the picture but all around the house is surrounded by many black and gray stones and rocks making it look very peaceful and relaxing. The roof of the house looks like a sort of roof that a tiki house might have because of the way the lines resemble bamboo. The designs on the sides of the shrine resemble little pictures of different people. I don't think that was meant to come out of the design but that's what I see when I look at it. Although, at the same time, it kind of just resembles swirls and a lot of different shapes and designs. I think today, that shrine would be used as a kind of dog house because it's way too small to fit a human, but it's also just barely too big to fit a dog. 

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